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How to Hack Using JavaScript (XSS, Brute Force, BeEF)

Similar to Metasploit, BeEF is a framework for launching attacks. Unlike Metasploit, it is specific to launching attacks against web browsers. In some cases, we will be able to use BeEF in conjunction with Metasploit to launch particular attacks, so I think its time for us to become familiar with it.

BeEF was developed by a group of developers led by Wade Alcorn. Built on the familiar Ruby on Rails platform, BeEF was developed to explore the vulnerabilities in browsers and test them. In particular, BeEF is an excellent platform for testing a browser's vulnerability to cross-site scripting (XSS) and other injection attacks.

BeEF is an extraordinary and powerful tool for exploiting web browsers. In addition to what I have shown you here, it can also be used to leverage operating system attacks. We will be using it and other tools in my new series on hacking web applications, mobile devices, and Facebook, so keep coming back, my greenhorn hackers.

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