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Make your first iPhone App!

How To Make iPhone Apps with NO Programming Experience!

Lesson 1: Tools and Materials This lesson is an orientation of what you need to start making apps and the tools and resources that Apple provides. This video series uses the latest and greatest from Apple (Xcode 6, Swift, iOS 8) and will teach a beginner with no programming experience how to make iPhone apps. I'm creating these videos with the assumption that the student has no prior knowledge and is starting from scratch. For more tutorials on how to build iPhone apps, make sure you subscribe and visit my site where you'll find a community of like minded learners! Learning something new is always more fun with other people! Youtube: Website: Facebook: Twitter: CodeWIthChris is dedicated to teaching beginners and non-programmers all about building iOS apps. On the site, you'll find a ton of free resources and tutorials to aid you on your journey to learn iOS development. Many people have successfully picked up Swift, Objective-C, Xcode and app building from my course and materials!


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